I got married too young and had a bunch of kids, 5 to be exact, decided my husband and I had nothing in common so got a divorce. I struggled for three years to raise the kids on my own, and then married my present husband. He had 2 boys so now we had 7. We worked together to raise them and for the most part they are all doing well.
Picture taken April 2010
We sold our home on the Tualatin river and moved down the road a mile to a nice 3 bedroom house all on one floor and it doesn't take us four hours to mow the lawn. I workd for about 35 years of my life, the last 18 at Northwest Textbook. I retired from there a year and a half ago but still help in the summer.
We have travled a lot over our 32 years together and our favorite vacation is to cruise. We have been on about 10 cruises and are planning another one in November.
We still have boarders but hope in about a year we will be alone at last.
God has blessed us and I am very thankful.
Great to hear your voice the other day and look forward to seeing you soon. Steve and Nanc